With nine clinics nationwide and a plan to open more in the coming years, Actify needed to quickly develop a strategy and identity to keep up with its ambitions. In addition, with Ketamine infusion being one of their signature treatments, it was important to shift the conversation away from this hot-button topic and toward patient wellness. Finally, the multiple audiences of patients, payers, and providers had to be carefully considered in developing the communication strategy and creative platform.
To address Actify’s difficult challenges, we recommended positioning the brand as a warm and personalized place to get the safest, most advanced depression treatment available, summarized by “rediscover yourself,” which spoke to the breakthrough many patients described after undergoing the therapy.
As a solution, not a treatment, Actify helps you lift yourself from the shadows of depression. For the B2B audience, we leaned into their treatments’ safety, cost benefits, and long-term success.
Creatively, we designed a positive and bright palette to evoke an uplifting feeling. The calming blues and beige create a sense of welcoming and peacefulness, while green, yellow, and red accents pack a subtle punch.
Actify’s lifestyle imagery shows real people living with the freedom to enjoy their lives. Images focus on the individual, as the mental health journey is highly personal.
The icons and patterns are warm, personal, and consumer-focused, adding a textural touch that contrasts most medical branding. A friendly display font gives communications a soft, human feel, while a clean sans-serif typeface gives the brand a trustworthy and reliable feel.